Girls Advocacy Alliance

The Journey to Change

For millions of girls in the world equal rights and opportunities are not guaranteed. The Girls Advocacy Alliance (Plan Nederland, Avance, Terre des Hommes, Defence for Children, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is trying to change that.
Countries worked in
Ghana, Uganda, Philippines
Mini Series

Due to our network of local crews we were able to make a sustainable multi-country production.


They asked us to help highlight the importance of lobby & advocacy to improve the rights of girls and young women.

Makmende approach

Our answer to that question is a mini series where we follow three stories (in Ghana, Uganda and Philippines) that all unravel the journey to a specific change seen for girls and young women. Showing relevant timelines on the road towards a country/city/community free from gender based violence and economic exclusion for girls and young women. The overall theme is on how that change came about: what triggered the tipping point for the social convention? In addition we created video for social media to explain the Girls Advocacy Alliance to the public.


The video’s were used to engage and motivate policy makers, donors and supporters on an event. Showing real personal stories is a beautiful way to make people understand the situation and subject. With these three different stories a clear context for a discussion was set.

Working towards these SDG’s

Reduced inequalities SDG
Gender equality SDG
Peace, justice and strong institutions SDG